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Mother's Day may have originated in ancient Greece, which is an idolatry activity. People celebrate the festival of the goddess Lya, on which the ancient Greeks paid tribute to the mother of the Greek gods.
By the time of ancient Rome, the scale of these activities became larger, and celebrations often lasted for three days. In the mid-seventeenth century, Mother's Day spread to England. The fourth Sunday of Lent was regarded as Mother's Day by the British. On this day, young people who go out will return home and bring small gifts to their mothers.
五月第二个周日:The second Sunday of May
China: the second Sunday in May, will use the cards and carnations to express love。
Also it is suggested to express the nepenthes
Norway: mother's day on the second Sunday of February。
Argentina: will celebrate Mother's day on the second Sunday of October。
Lebanon: celebrate Mother's day on the first day of spring。
South Africa: mother's Day is on the first Sunday of May。
Yugoslavia: Yugoslavia Serbia known as mother's day in Materice, two weeks before the annual Christmas celebration。 Custom of celebration: the children in the mother's day morning into mother's room, the mother tied to a bed, the mother woke up to find himself being tie one's hands behind his back, he begged the children let her go, small gifts and in her hidden under the pillow as exchange。
Spain and Portugal in the mother's day has close relationship with the church。 December 8th is the day in honor of the virgin Maria, but also the children express love for mothers day。
Sweden on the last Sunday of May to celebrate Mother's day。 On the eve of mother's day, the Swedish Red Cross will hold plastic mother flower auction, sale proceeds will be sponsoring fathered many children mother holiday funds。
母亲节 由来 英文 五月 第二 周日 英语 怎么说